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Updating RDS Aurora clusters

December 11, 2022

Upgrading the database manually

Upgrading RDS Aurora cluster engines is very easy via the AWS dashboard by modifying the cluster and choosing a new engine. Select a suitable maintenance window and schedule the update to happen. Since upgrading a database engine requires downtime this needs to be done during the night, or a low traffic period.

But doing it manually is hard work when you have hundreds of databases to manage and writing a script to do them all at once is fairly straightforward.


This script uses 4 CLI commands:

  • aws configure list-profiles lists all of the profiles in an AWS credentials file
  • aws configure get region --profile profile_name gets the region of each profile. This is necessary because not all of the AWS accounts are in the same location.
  • aws rds describe-db-clusters returns information about the Aurora clusters in the account. The important bits are the Cluster Identifier and the Engine Version, which can be filtered out using the --query arguement. The engine version helps identify which clusters need upgrading, and the identifier is used in the last command.
  • aws rds modify-db-cluster is used to update the engine version of the outdated clusters.

Build the script

  1. Loop over all of the AWS profiles in the AWS credentials file:
profiles="$(aws configure list-profiles)"

for profile in $profiles
  1. Get the region for each profile. This is required in the final command:
r=$(aws configure get region --profile "$profile")
  1. Get the RDS clusters and filter out the ones which need upgrading. In this case these are any which are still using MySQL version 5.6 (Aurora version 1):
cluster=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters --query "*[].{DBClusterIdentifier:DBClusterIdentifier,EngineVersion:EngineVersion}" --output text --profile "$profile" --region "$r" --no-cli-pager | grep 5.6 | awk '{print $1;}')

The list of clusters to be updated are saved to a $clusters varable for use in the final command. The --query argument is used to retrieve the DBClusterIdentifier and the EngineVersion.

grep 5.6 filters out only results which use MySQL 5.6, and awk '{print $1;}' returns the first column of data, which is the Cluster Identifier.

  1. Check if $clusters is not empty, and then modify each cluster in the list to upgrade to Aurora version 2. A prefered maintenance window is declared to make sure this action happens during the night, because upgrading a database cluster requires downtime:
if [ -n "$clusters" ];then
    for cluster in $clusters
        aws rds modify-db-cluster \
            --db-cluster-identifier "$cluster" \
            --engine-version "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.0" \
            --preferred-maintenance-window "Wed:03:00-Wed:04:00" \
            --region "$r" \
            --profile "$profile" \

The previously set variables for region and profile are passed in, as well as the cluster identifier from the last command.

The --no-cli-pager argument prevents the JSON output each time the command completes, because this interrupts the script as it requires that the window is manually closed.

Full code


profiles="$(aws configure list-profiles)"

for profile in $profiles
    r=$(aws configure get region --profile "$profile")
    clusters=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters --query "*[].{DBClusterIdentifier:DBClusterIdentifier,EngineVersion:EngineVersion}" --output text --profile "$profile" --region "$r" --no-cli-pager | grep 5.6 | awk '{print $1;}')

    if [ -n "$clusters" ];then
        for cluster in $clusters
            aws rds modify-db-cluster \
                --db-cluster-identifier "$cluster" \
                --engine-version "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.0" \
                --preferred-maintenance-window "Wed:03:00-Wed:04:00" \
                --region "$r" \
                --profile "$profile" \

This and other shell scripts can be found in my Github shell scripts repo.


The goal for this script was to quickly update all deprecated RDS clusters from Aurora version 1 to version 2. It’s a very specific use case, but it demonstrates how using the AWS CLI can save a lot of time when it comes to repetitive maintenance tasks.